Eco Farm

Why organic farming matters?

of children under 5 are affected by chronic malnutrition and 51 related deaths were registered in the first 45 weeks of 2023.

Organic farming involves agricultural practices that avoid synthetic substances like pesticides, synthetic drugs, fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms. This approach addresses key issues in Guatemala, notably malnutrition and poverty. Rural communities, particularly indigenous groups, confront numerous challenges compounded by climate change, natural disasters, oppression, and historical conflict. In such circumstances, farmers may be reluctant to adopt new methods due to government support for conventional practices.

What Hechos does

Our eco farm was established adjacent to a landfill site with the goal of addressing pollution by rejuvenating the landscape and establishing a sustainable, self-sufficient environment. We currently manage over 100 acres of land, housing various animals and cultivating 500 organic fruit trees including mangoes, avocados, and pineapples. Through organic production, Hechos aims to alleviate poverty and malnutrition by providing marginalized communities with fair employment opportunities.

Additionally, the project focuses on imparting essential skills to the younger generation, empowering women, girls, and youth to become catalysts for positive change within their families and communities. As they gain new skills and knowledge, they become mentors and leaders, sharing their expertise with others.

Projects updates

We are presently engaged in the development of a project named ALFA Y OMEGA, aimed at producing traditionally processed organic products such as achote, soaps, cheeses, and more. Our objective is to expand the local business internationally and introduce the authentic tastes and flavors of the region to a wider audience.

Hechos is actively seeking donations to support this production endeavor and to create new job opportunities within the community.